3 Friends of Storetasker: enzuzo, Littledata & Stairway to CEO

Here we are back with another highlight of 3 of our friends: enzuzo, Littledata & Stairway to CEO. There are 2 things that connect these 3:
- They’re all listed on our “Friends of Storetasker” directory ;)
- They’re all extremely devoted to helping Shopify merchants
First up, let’s highlight enzuzo:
Enzuzo helps you launch compliance tools on your website.
They’ve been on an honest quest to help D2Cs be protected in lawsuit scenarios. It’s tough enough to build your eCommerce business, no need to have external legal pressure to crash the party on top of it all. That’s why we love them at Storetasker.
For the curious ones, they’ve got 3 hero products: “Privacy policy”, “Terms of Service” & “Legal Compliance”.
The Privacy Policy enables you to quickly become legally compliant with privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy legislation. Cool thing is that the privacy policy will auto translate to 23 languages.
The ‘terms of service’ get formulated by answering a quick questionnaire. It’s one of those legal docs that must reside on your site to detail which terms your visitors need to abide by to use the offered service.
Finally - “Cookie Banner”. Now that you have your forms in place, you’re going to need to get consent from visitors before they navigate your site. Enzuzo makes that a breeze with a customizable banner that sits at the bottom of your site & prompts visitors to opt-in or out of your policies.

Now - Let’s switch gears into the world of data and analytics - with our great friends at Littledata:
Most Shopify businesses are running on a simple analytics stack, powered by Google Analytics. That’s probably the best way to go, after all it’s free, reliable, and everybody uses GA - so you’ll have no issue upskilling team members on it.
But Google Analytics does get a little finicky with subscription data from Recharge for example. GA struggles to differentiate between a single purchase and a recurring purchase order. Similarly for Google Ads - there’s a lot of data that needs to flow through correctly in order to make the right media buying bets - and that data’s not always easy to flow into Google Ads.
So that’s where Littledata spends all their efforts, reconciling and fixing your analytics & tracking problems. Especially if you’re primarily reliant on GA. But there is one more trick up their sleeve: A data connection into Segment.
Segment’s increasingly becoming one of the most popular customer data platform, taking in data from multiple sources and passing it back to others. As a business owner, you might be capturing brilliant insights in Google Analytics, but if that data doesn’t flow into your other parts of the business - then they’re not of much use to you. That’s why Littledata data connections play very easily with Segment.

Last but not least, Lee Greene with her podcast “Stairway to CEO”:
With 118 podcast episodes with leading eCommerce CEOs. Stairway to CEO is a must listen.
One of my favorites was the episode with Ben Goodwin, founder of Olipop where Lee and Ben geeked out on the ingredients that make up the digestive beverage that is Olipop. To give you another taste, Lee also speaks with folks like Yaw Aning, the founder of Malomo - who powers shipment notifications for many D2C merchants.
Lee’s so knowledgeable across a wide spectrum of the D2C industry and her voice + interviewing style really gets the most out of her guests. A must must listen for any operator in the space.
And that is all! To meet more of our friends, just go here!