Customer Stories

Customer Story: Arsh from ASYSTEM

February 20, 2023

Welcome Arsh! So tell us: What do you do on the team at ASYSTEM

I’m the Director of e-commerce at ASYSTEM. I oversee a few different functions, digital product being one, and digital marketing, finance and data being the others. 

Team structure wise: Who’s involved on the website? 

There's a lot of ideas on the team. Depending on the size of the brief, different outcomes would arise. 

If it’s a small update, that will go straight into our Trello Board with our agency Series Eight. If it’s anything bigger than that - a project manager gets more deeply involved and it takes a life of its own. 

So how did you stumble upon Storetasker? What prompted you to start using it? 

I stumbled on it mainly via Replo: the landing page builder solution. 

Because we’re a very brand conscious company - we wanted to get a little extra polish on the landing pages we were building using Replo. Their software is very robust and easy to use - but we needed extra support to get it over the line. 

So that’s why we ultimately decided to work with Kyle Tully at Storetasker. 

He came out with a really good rate and spun the landing page back in a couple of weeks. We reviewed it, gave some feedback, and that was successfully implemented. It was the easiest process ever. From briefing to the project and down to the payment - it was all so slick. 

Love to hear it. And out of curiosity: What were you looking to achieve business wise with this LP? 

What we were testing was the ability to bundle a product to increase AOV, while still maintaining a similar Conversion Rate. And due to the nature of Replo which directly integrates to not only Shopify, but also Recharge - that was all a breeze. 

Looking ahead: Do you think teams will be increasingly freelance based? 

Working with freelancers globally has a lot of benefits - and most obviously financial benefits (it can be more cost-effective). And secondly, teams don’t necessarily need to hire people full-time to do a job, somebody part-time can usually do the trick. So that’s where something like Storetasker really helps. 

Last question: What are you most excited about on your roadmap? 

Personalized nutrition. I can’t say anymore than that - but I’m very excited about it. 


Welcome Arsh! So tell us: What do you do on the team at ASYSTEM

I’m the Director of e-commerce at ASYSTEM. I oversee a few different functions, digital product being one, and digital marketing, finance and data being the others. 

Team structure wise: Who’s involved on the website? 

There's a lot of ideas on the team. Depending on the size of the brief, different outcomes would arise. 

If it’s a small update, that will go straight into our Trello Board with our agency Series Eight. If it’s anything bigger than that - a project manager gets more deeply involved and it takes a life of its own. 

So how did you stumble upon Storetasker? What prompted you to start using it? 

I stumbled on it mainly via Replo: the landing page builder solution. 

Because we’re a very brand conscious company - we wanted to get a little extra polish on the landing pages we were building using Replo. Their software is very robust and easy to use - but we needed extra support to get it over the line. 

So that’s why we ultimately decided to work with Kyle Tully at Storetasker. 

He came out with a really good rate and spun the landing page back in a couple of weeks. We reviewed it, gave some feedback, and that was successfully implemented. It was the easiest process ever. From briefing to the project and down to the payment - it was all so slick. 

Love to hear it. And out of curiosity: What were you looking to achieve business wise with this LP? 

What we were testing was the ability to bundle a product to increase AOV, while still maintaining a similar Conversion Rate. And due to the nature of Replo which directly integrates to not only Shopify, but also Recharge - that was all a breeze. 

Looking ahead: Do you think teams will be increasingly freelance based? 

Working with freelancers globally has a lot of benefits - and most obviously financial benefits (it can be more cost-effective). And secondly, teams don’t necessarily need to hire people full-time to do a job, somebody part-time can usually do the trick. So that’s where something like Storetasker really helps. 

Last question: What are you most excited about on your roadmap? 

Personalized nutrition. I can’t say anymore than that - but I’m very excited about it. 

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Kyle Tully