Customer Story: Julia from Great Wrap

Welcome Julia! Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane. What’s been the growth like since the launch of Great Wrap in 2019?
It's been pretty crazy growth. Both as a brand, and also as a manufacturing business.
When we launched, we had a pilot factory, but now we’re building out our own mega factory where we're able to make a lot of the bigger scale pallet wraps, used for supermarkets and grocery stores. We're excited about the huge impact potential. We're taking a lot of petroleum plastic out of the landfill by making this product.
And as a team, we’ve also grown a lot. Initially, it was Jordy and myself. Today, we’re sitting at roughly 30. It's been pretty wild.
Let’s talk B2B for a second: Did you see that potential right at the beginning? Or did it develop organically over time after a successful D2C launch?
We actually started with B2B. My background is in architecture, and Jordy’s was in wine-making. So we were both using lots of plastic wrap as consumers on pallets. That’s when we saw the opportunity for a sustainable wrap.
But in order to be successful in the B2B space, we quickly realized that we needed to build a brand for everyday use - the more consumers used this product in everyday settings (wrapping food etc), the more they might be inclined to introduce it in B2B settings.
That’s how we reverse engineered a B2B marketing strategy.

What are the growth plans from an international expansion standpoint?
Timely question. We’re getting ready for a launch in the US in August. The plan is to launch D2C in August, and meet with retailers to discuss B2B partnerships. If we can successfully expand there, we’d look to expand in Europe. We're really excited to share Great Wrap with the world.
Let’s talk about the site. How did it evolve over time? How did Storetasker fit into the picture?
We’ve been so scrappy. For a long time I was managing the store myself. Back then, it was built on Squarespace.
Eventually, we shifted the site to Shopify - leveraging a classic out of the box theme. I was used to working in the Adobe creative suite, and getting really frustrated with not being able to implement designs seamlessly into Shopify - so that’s when I started looking for freelance resources. It was just like a lot of heartbreak, and a lot of hard work.
But then I came across Storetasker, and was like: “Oh my God, this is amazing”. I landed on the homepage and loved the way you highlighted that you could work across both small and large projects. It felt like you were speaking my language. Since then,
we've been working with Storetasker for a really long time, with Anthony. He's been amazing and has become a real part of the team. Having somebody to go to when a problem pops up is a massive help.
We’ve also onboarded a eCommerce manager 2 months ago, so that’s helped take a few more items off my plate.
What’s next on the docket for Anthony? What’s the Storetasker roadmap like?
I'm excited to prepare the website for global expansion. We’re still thinking through domain strategy works - so that along with new product releases are all top of mind.
Last question for me: What's been the key to success at Great Wrap?
Having a big vision has helped. There's a lot of amazing brands out there, but we've really been focused on solving a problem starting with deep research and science - so not cutting corners and thinking big have contributed greatly to our success.