Customer Story: Stephanie from Lagatta

Welcome Steph! So what's cooking right now at Lagatta?
We just launched our new collection which I’m super excited about.
For us, the product strategy for Lagatta has always been to expand vertically, as opposed to horizontally. So we won’t create 25 different types of leggings, instead - we’ll work our way through the different layers in the Lagatta women’s wardrobe.
So items like jackets, fleeces, underwear, accessories - all of that is in the pipeline. And that’s where I spend most of my time: In R&D, getting these products out in collaboration with our community.

Tell me about the community: How did you create your community? and how are you leveraging them?
Our target audience is a little bit older: Our youngest customer is around 35, and our oldest around 65.
And to our surprise, this community mostly takes place via SMS, Whatsapp and over the phone. Our customers & community love to chat over the phone, which is a real advantage for us. It brings about an entirely new level of customer insight.
How do you prioritize your releases? And how are you able to structure such contained collections at your stage?
We tend to create themes per product drop. Sometimes they’re seasonally inspired, sometimes it’s inspired by market trends and sometimes by pure creativity.
And to answer your second question: I guess our advantage is that although we keep track of trends, we don’t try to catch the wave of existing trends. We ride our own wave - which means we’re able to plan things out much more thoughtfully which is very beneficial from a supply chain perspective.
And the other part to all that is having great supplier relationships. Since launching, we’ve been able to get closer and closer to our manufacturers & suppliers. We use that to negotiate fair but beneficial terms for us & run a very profitable / healthy business from day 1.
Let’s chat Storetasker: How are you leveraging Storetasker? What’s your experience been like?
Because our product range is quite wide - we’ve always expected consumers to purchase a few items at once, and we see that happening on our site. But we never had a strong bundling experience to support that behavior. So that’s why we put out a brief on Storetasker and got matched with Alex Espinoza.
And shout out to Alex, because he has been absolutely phenomenal. He built everything so quickly, and exactly the way we wanted it to be built.
Overall, our Storetasker has been incredible. From a founder perspective, there is very minimal admin overhead work, we just let Alex do his thing. It’s almost like having an in-house support network: The agility, the flexibility and the quality are all there and that combination of the 3 is a superpower.

We’re so so glad to hear it!! It’s why we get up in the morning. Last question: What's been the key to your success so far on Lagatta?
If I look back on the past 5 years, the one thing that I will take with me for the rest of my life: It’s the idea of “More Shots on Goal”.
Try 10 different things at once, then measure, and keep getting closer and closer to the things that actually work. That’s the one thing that has propelled us forward massively.