Customer Story: Emma from Bubble

Hey Emma! Let’s dive right in: How did you get in touch with Storetasker?
So I reached out during the holidays for some dev support and I got an answer very quickly and got connected with Shastri.
Our first job was about a review implementation of Yotpo on our site. No one on our full-time team is a developer, so it was a blocker. We did attempt the integration through one of our previous developer contacts, but that didn’t work out. So that’s when I reached out.
And candidly, I don’t think I’ve ever had a more seamless relationship with any of the developers that we've ever worked with in the past.
Development is a huge pain point for us. So having Storetasker for smaller tasks, as things come up, has been huge for us.

Can you expand on some of the projects that you’re taking on on Storetasker?
I would say primarily CX-related work. So adding CTA’s in different parts of the site, fixing up pages for initiatives like our rewards program etc. And those are the types of requests that have been the toughest for devs in the past.
Many devs just wanna do huge website redesigns, and few want to help on these types of smaller, more frequent requests. So the fact that we have someone that's more or less on call is super comforting. Also having a real contractual agreement with Storetasker and listing out deliverables from the start and sticking to timelines - that’s been a real game changer for us.
We’re thrilled to hear we can make a difference on your team. So tell us: Can you expand on your role in CX? What are you obsessing over?
New customer rates, cohort analysis and retention, reviews, our education content and always evolving our website. Those are the primary bits we obsess over. Beyond that we’re always trying new creative initiatives. That’s at the core of our DNA on the CX side.

Tell me about the stack: What tools are you leveraging?
We leverage Yotpo for reviews, SMS and our rewards & referral program. We also utilize Zendesk for our popup chat function and we're about to start utilizing Recharge for subscriptions. We also utilize Zonos, which helps us lots with international shipping and then Narvar - a really neat order tracking app.

One last question: We love the design of Bubble. Especially the “Skin School”. Who’s behind all of that?
Definitely our creative director, Lindsay St Clair. She’s the brains behind a lot of the creative identity which shines through the site. And for the Skin School, we’ve worked with a talented designer called Natalie Heisterkamp. We’re actually working on a site redesign and they’ll also be involved here, so much more to be excited about in the coming months!