Customer Story: Blake from Good Stone

Welcome Blake. Tell me a little bit about your role and responsibilities at Good Stone.
I own Good Stone. We’re an online fine jewelry company aiming to make high-end diamond and gemstone based jewelry accessible at a much lower price via operational efficiencies and the removal of middlemen. We've been doing this for a little over 10 years.
Great. And what's the growth been like since launch?
It's been a nice steady growth year over year. The intention was never to blow it out and raise money - we want to work hand-in-hand with our customers and allow the market to guide us. So all of our growth leading up to last year has been organic, though today - we do have paid marketing channels activated.
How has the website evolved since 2015?
It continues to change every year. We have been bootstrapping that part of the business and that’s why we’re glad we’ve found partners like Out of the Sandbox to help us make big jumps in progress.

What do you think about Out of the Sandbox?
I love that it’s easy to use and offers a lot of functionality. At Good Stone we're a very small team and we do a lot with little, so Out of the Sandbox is a really great fit for us - the learning curve is easy.
What about Storetasker - when did you stumble upon it?
I needed a migration done, and we reached out to Out Of The Sandbox who recommended you. That allowed us to fix issues seamlessly and quickly - and I developed a strong relationship with my expert too. So we always chat when more updates are needed.
Let's talk about the future 2023. What’s on your roadmap?
We’re always looking to improve the UX on the site. Our site still underperforms relative to the market - and as we’ve gone from being one of the first Instagram jewelry to now seeing the market flooded with competition - we have to differentiate ourselves.
What's been the key to your growth?
Continuing to offer elite customer service. We really spend a lot of time engaging with our customer, making sure they are understood and that we can interpret & translate their queries into their dream piece of jewelry.