DTC Guides

Shopify 2022: What we're excited for

December 27, 2021

We recently spoke with our friends at Clearco to voice what we’re excited about on Shopify in 2022. Let’s jump right in. 

  1. Dawn: 

Shopify’s new theme is exciting for a number of reasons. 

  1. Performance-wise: It outshines its predecessor by 35% according to Pagefly
  2. Feature-wise: It’s so rich that many developers who once had to shy away from Shopify to go headless are now starting to build in Shopify. Read more here
  3. Apps-wise: Shopify’s changing the way apps are integrating with your site. It’s now done via blocks. This means easier and deeper integrations, faster loads and more innovation from 3rd parties. 

Our developers are already building 2.0 sites or migrating previous builds into 2.0. This will be the most impactful change of 2022!

  1. Marketplaces: 

Our friends at Carro were the first ones to really seize this opportunity about 1 year ago, and now we’re seeing more players contribute to the space such as Canal. Essentially, these platforms are enabling Shopify stores to list products from other brands, on their site. If your selling bicycles, you can now sell helmets. If you’re selling shoes, you can now sell socks from a great brand with an existing following. 

The beautiful thing is that as a store, you don’t need to fulfill the orders for the partner brand. They receive the order notification and they fulfill it. All you do is take a cut on the sale that you drove. 

This shift will create more opportunities for vertical marketplaces. We’re seeing this with Bodega, The Fascination, Mayple & The Feed

The Feed: Sports nutrition marketplace

  1. NFTs: 

NFTs are so 2021! …. Or are they? Maybe they continue to blow up in 2022. What’s for sure though is that NFT’s are a little tricky to sell on Shopify. The technologies and wallets involved are so new and non-core to the Shopify product that you’ve previously had to get very creative to sell them online. But no longer. Now we have platforms like Novel popping up (still on waitlist) - they’re 100% dedicated to making it easier to mint, buy and sell NFTs alongside your products, directly within Shopify. I’m sure some brands will get very creative with this. 

That’s it, those are the top 3 trends we’re excited for in 2022. See you on the other side! WAGMI. 



We recently spoke with our friends at Clearco to voice what we’re excited about on Shopify in 2022. Let’s jump right in. 

  1. Dawn: 

Shopify’s new theme is exciting for a number of reasons. 

  1. Performance-wise: It outshines its predecessor by 35% according to Pagefly
  2. Feature-wise: It’s so rich that many developers who once had to shy away from Shopify to go headless are now starting to build in Shopify. Read more here
  3. Apps-wise: Shopify’s changing the way apps are integrating with your site. It’s now done via blocks. This means easier and deeper integrations, faster loads and more innovation from 3rd parties. 

Our developers are already building 2.0 sites or migrating previous builds into 2.0. This will be the most impactful change of 2022!

  1. Marketplaces: 

Our friends at Carro were the first ones to really seize this opportunity about 1 year ago, and now we’re seeing more players contribute to the space such as Canal. Essentially, these platforms are enabling Shopify stores to list products from other brands, on their site. If your selling bicycles, you can now sell helmets. If you’re selling shoes, you can now sell socks from a great brand with an existing following. 

The beautiful thing is that as a store, you don’t need to fulfill the orders for the partner brand. They receive the order notification and they fulfill it. All you do is take a cut on the sale that you drove. 

This shift will create more opportunities for vertical marketplaces. We’re seeing this with Bodega, The Fascination, Mayple & The Feed

The Feed: Sports nutrition marketplace

  1. NFTs: 

NFTs are so 2021! …. Or are they? Maybe they continue to blow up in 2022. What’s for sure though is that NFT’s are a little tricky to sell on Shopify. The technologies and wallets involved are so new and non-core to the Shopify product that you’ve previously had to get very creative to sell them online. But no longer. Now we have platforms like Novel popping up (still on waitlist) - they’re 100% dedicated to making it easier to mint, buy and sell NFTs alongside your products, directly within Shopify. I’m sure some brands will get very creative with this. 

That’s it, those are the top 3 trends we’re excited for in 2022. See you on the other side! WAGMI. 


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