Customer Stories

Customer Story: D.S. & DURGA

January 10, 2022

Welcome Maureen: Let’s start with an introduction. Tell us more about your role at D.S. & Durga

I joined in August 2021 as the first ever Digital Director. I primarily lead the D2C business where we are looking for some pretty significant growth from 2021-2022. With that comes a new website which will go live in 2022, but in the meantime, we're using Storetasker to help us with the day to day on our current site. 

Tell me more about your team structure: What does that look like? 

My team handles both running the actual business, but also the digital marketing aspects; namely acquisition, retention and customer service. In addition to that, I also work closely with the design team, which provides assets across all our in-house marketing materials. 

Maureen Dempsey: Digital Director & D.S. & DURGA

What are some of the coolest features you currently have on the website? What do you think customers may easily overlook? 

I don't know if the customer realizes how much time and effort has been put into the design elements for the website. We really strive to create 360 experiences for the customer. In addition to the products themselves, our founders - husband-and-wife team, David and Kavi - also design all the packaging in-house, write all the copy, and curate playlists for each scent to create a cohesive experience for the customer. 


What does your tech stack look like? Are you using useful apps? 

We're on Shopify. We will probably switch over to Shopify plus with the new site, but in the meantime we've used a lot of apps to enhance the experience. We use LimeSpot for product recommendations, Back in Stock for restock notifications and recently  Co-Op Commerce on a post purchase basis which we’re still in the early days of using, but so far so good! And of course: Klaviyo for email. 

The D.S. & DURGA stack

Let's jump into the Storetasker experience. How have you leveraged us?  

It's been great. Like I said, we're a small team and we don't have the resources for a full-time developer. So Storetasker is a perfect plugin for our team. We have been paired up with Satish, and he’s been able to do everything we've asked for. We’ve worked on gifting threshold changes, site speed optimizations tasks and more. I trust him to work on all parts of the site; he prioritizes the work and gets it done. 

Final question for me. What can we most look forward to in the new site? 
If you like animation, you’re going to like what's coming up! We’ll see more movement and deeper dives into the brand. We want to showcase the stories behind every D.S. & Durga product and turn customers into loyalists.


Welcome Maureen: Let’s start with an introduction. Tell us more about your role at D.S. & Durga

I joined in August 2021 as the first ever Digital Director. I primarily lead the D2C business where we are looking for some pretty significant growth from 2021-2022. With that comes a new website which will go live in 2022, but in the meantime, we're using Storetasker to help us with the day to day on our current site. 

Tell me more about your team structure: What does that look like? 

My team handles both running the actual business, but also the digital marketing aspects; namely acquisition, retention and customer service. In addition to that, I also work closely with the design team, which provides assets across all our in-house marketing materials. 

Maureen Dempsey: Digital Director & D.S. & DURGA

What are some of the coolest features you currently have on the website? What do you think customers may easily overlook? 

I don't know if the customer realizes how much time and effort has been put into the design elements for the website. We really strive to create 360 experiences for the customer. In addition to the products themselves, our founders - husband-and-wife team, David and Kavi - also design all the packaging in-house, write all the copy, and curate playlists for each scent to create a cohesive experience for the customer. 


What does your tech stack look like? Are you using useful apps? 

We're on Shopify. We will probably switch over to Shopify plus with the new site, but in the meantime we've used a lot of apps to enhance the experience. We use LimeSpot for product recommendations, Back in Stock for restock notifications and recently  Co-Op Commerce on a post purchase basis which we’re still in the early days of using, but so far so good! And of course: Klaviyo for email. 

The D.S. & DURGA stack

Let's jump into the Storetasker experience. How have you leveraged us?  

It's been great. Like I said, we're a small team and we don't have the resources for a full-time developer. So Storetasker is a perfect plugin for our team. We have been paired up with Satish, and he’s been able to do everything we've asked for. We’ve worked on gifting threshold changes, site speed optimizations tasks and more. I trust him to work on all parts of the site; he prioritizes the work and gets it done. 

Final question for me. What can we most look forward to in the new site? 
If you like animation, you’re going to like what's coming up! We’ll see more movement and deeper dives into the brand. We want to showcase the stories behind every D.S. & Durga product and turn customers into loyalists.

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